You Can’t Do it Alone

Build your relationships first….then your dentistry. ~ Bob Barkley

You Can’t Do it Alone

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As mentioned on many occasions, the creation and maintenance of a truly Relationship-based / Health-centered practice is founded first on clarified values, a clear Mission, and a compelling Vision which the leader can then effectively convey to the staff. But having a “staff” is not nearly enough to succeed, as one must have a mission-focused Care Team…and the Mission must be one which they have helped to co-define and write. Subsequently, it is a Mission that they “own”.

On a behavioral level, who are these people, and what do they look like? This question was nicely addressed recently on a dental blog, where the question was posed, “What do top performers in a dental practice look like?” The responses were quite instructive:

“They’re not clock in/clock out people. They work to better the practice and do the best they can. They look for ways to improve systems and think outside of the box. They treat the practice like it’s theirs.”

“They either have great work ethic and drive. It can be spotted a mile away and immediately. Its rare. So many people don’t value, appreciate or take care of their OWN belongings. Those are the people who won’t value yours. These are also the people who are lazy and disrespectful.”

“Goals are something in these people that the others don’t possess. These people’s lives don’t revolve around how hard they work/or the amount of effort they put forth around bribes (bonus systems.) They would do it without. These are the ‘keepers’.”

“They are people who pour their heart and soul into a practice as if it were their own. They have a natural born drive for success and achievement, so your success is their success, and they have pride in all they do. They don’t quit until the job is done.”

“I say that high performers look professional, they sound articulate, and they leave people feeling complete. They look like they got dressed with intention, they sound professional, they leave people feeling like they’ve been heard.”

“The way they do anything is the way they do everything – with purpose, passion, precision and joy.”

So if you had a team full of people like the ones described above, how well do you think your practice would be doing right now? And how well would they accommodate to the daily challenges of practice? How would your patients feel when interacting with people like this? And how would you feel about going into work each day, knowing that these folks would be there to greet you and help you in any way that they possibly could?

Obviously, the behavioral composition of the team matters quite significantly, and the good news today is that there are predictable methods and means (through proper interviewing techniques and testing) to find these kinds people, lead them, and form them into a powerful and caring Team.

So what are you waiting for?

Paul A Henny DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017


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“Thanks so much for your continuing efforts to promote and advance the concept of the relationship based practice.” – Jim Otten

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