Our Five Natural Resources

Build your relationships first….then your dentistry. ~ Bob Barkley

Our Five Natural Resources

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We all have Five Natural Resources:


And each of us is unique in terms of how much of these resources we have available, as well as how we choose to utilize them. Consequently, we can learn a lot about ourselves and others by simply observing how these five resources are utilized.

More specifically, with regard to our patients, how they choose to utilize their resources tells us a lot about how much they value what we have to offer, and whether they view it as unique or common.

If an individual is more loyal to their insurance plan than their doctor, it makes a statement. If an individual has no time or desire to learn more about their dental health, it makes a statement. If an individual only wants to do what a dental plan covers, it makes a statement, and so on.

If we dial the view of a practice back to that of a group’s general behavior, it also makes a statement. And that statement is certainly reflective of the practice’s philosophy, stated or unstated, intended or not, on that group of people.

What is your Practice Philosophy, and do your patients generally behave in a fashion which is in alignment with it?

And if not, why not?

Paul A. Henny, DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017

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