Who are you? And whose responsibility is it to find out?

Build your relationships first….then your dentistry. ~ Bob Barkley

Who are you? And whose responsibility is it to find out?

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Find a pathway toward being secure in who you are, and then hold onto your beliefs about yourself only lightly, while maintaining a willingness to dance with complexity -and during moments of disruptive chaos.

During those times, discover the courage within yourself to challenge assumptions about yourself, about others, and about the purpose of your life. And find a willingness to intelligently let go of your life narrative if it is no longer serving you well.

Your life narrative emerges from your past, but if you become too stuck in it, your past experiences and memories will disproportionately influence your future experiences and future memories.

There is no such thing as “back to the future,” there is only forward – and we can choose to do that more intelligently -or not.

Paul A. Henny DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, © 2018

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