Your Future with Dental Insurance

Build your relationships first….then your dentistry. ~ Bob Barkley

Your Future with Dental Insurance

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Dental insurance has clearly been the “tail that wags the dog” in most practices, and that of course, is nothing new. Dentists since the 1970’s have long tolerated the dysfunctional relationships with insurance carriers rs, relationships which more closely resemble divorce court negiations than healthy collaborations for the benefit of patients (and by that I mean the prove-your-innocent-of-over-treatment process dentists must go through to seek rapidly diminishing third party payments).

But we may be reaching an even lower tipping point soon; we may soon see the proverbial tail wagging the relationship between dentists and insurance companies in an even worse direction.

To wit, some of you noticed that CVS recently shared its intention to PURCHASE Aetna. This represents a new type of vertical integration in the health care industry- a move likely to involve the-infolding of medical practices into the CVS corporation as well.

Not to be outdone, UnitedHealth Group, America’s largest health insurer announced yesterday that it plans to buy DaVita Medical Group and its nearly 300 doctor’s clinics across the country for $4.9 billion dollars.

More close to home, in late 2016, Delta Dental of Massachusetts sent dental providers new contracts and notified them that Delta would be transitioning all business to a for-profit corporation DSM Massachusetts Insurance Company, Inc.. This followed its intention to convert most of its policies over to PPO plans because the company’s growth was too stagnant to support its overhead even as a non-profit (one needs only to look at executive compensation levels to see where much of the overhead problems lie).

It does not take much of an imagination to see the direction toward which dentistry is turning. It is mostly shaping up to be a war between massive corporations for profits, with patients and providers as the vehicles through which those profits will be realized.

Consequently, it is indeed time to re-assess relationships with insurance carriers, as they neither have our long-term best interest in mind nor do they they guide our practices in a direction which is healthy for those associated with them.

Relationship-based / Health-centered dentistry which functions outside the negative influence of dental insurance is an alternative direction for your future. If it is your true desire to remain a professional -keeping the best interests of your patients ahead of profits -then the dog should be wagging the tail, and not the other way around.

Paul A Henny, DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017


Caretaking & Co-Dependency

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Co-dependency is represented by a group of behaviors which can either cause -or lead us into- unhealthy relationships with others. And the level of co-dependency present varies from one patient to the next. To better visualize this issue, imagine dependency existing on a behavioral continuum, with minimal dependency represented on the right side under the word “Caregiving” and maximal dependency on the left side under the word “Care-taking”:

Care-taking <———-> Caregiving
Dependent -Co-dependent -Interdependent

When we are mostly Caretaking, we are in a some form of a dependency relationship. When we are mostly in Caregiving mode, we are functioning mostly out of an INTERdependent relationship, where responsibilities and ownership are much more co-equal.

In reality, we can both Caretake and Caregive at the same time, with one behavior being more dominant than the other depending on the area of a relationship. And historically, we are somewhat used-to, if not expectant of –  a dependency relationship with a highly educated doctor. But the internet and other broad cultural changes has shifted that expectation in the mind of much of the public. And in its place is now a reservation of trust and skepticism (which paradoxically promotes more dependency in spite of the intention to avoid it).

Our goal as health-centered dentists should be to reduce Caretaking behavior as much as possible, as dependency in many cases it is a learned behavior which can be changed via a truly helping relationship.

So how can we tell how each particular relationship is trending? Hints:

-Caretaking (dependency) tends to be stressful, where Caregiving tends to be energizing.

-Caretaking (dependency) violates interpersonal boundaries, where Caregiving tends to respect them.

-Caretaking (dependency) tends to attract needy people who do not value collaborative relationships very highly.

-Caregiving tends to attract more health-oriented  people who are more willing to listen, learn, grow, and change IF they perceive what they are learning is in their best interest.

-Caretakers tend to start fixing problems (or selling the need for immediate fixing) when problems arise which tends to create or maintain dependency. On the other hand, Caregivers tend to respectfully wait to be asked for help while facilitating awareness of the need for it, and thus encourage self-responsibility, growth, and ownership where appropriate.

With this in mind, consider the patients you would rather avoid, and I’ll bet you are in a Caretaking relationship with them. Conversely, consider the patient’s you most enjoy being around, and I’ll bet you are in a caregiving, co-equal, and mutually respectful relationship with them.

Clearly, there will always be patients with whom we will always be in a dependency/caretaking relationship due to their physical or mental disability, but we do have a choice regarding the others; we do have a choice regarding whether or not we we will maintain our co-dependency relationship with them.

The toughest question to ask ourselves: Do we maintain too many co-dependency relationships because they benefit us financially, or emotionally? If the candid answer is “yes”, then it may be ourselves refusing to grow and develop; it may be ourselves lacking in the courage to challenge the status quo and move forward toward greater health.

Paul A Henny DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017


Positioning & Branding

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Most progressive thinking, Health-centered dentists are comfortable with the idea that they must promote their practice in one form or another to maintain growth and success in today’s marketplace.

I prefer to call all strategies associated with practice promotion “market development” strategies, as they should represent a key component of a long-term strategic plan. In other words, any marketing initiatives which are unrelated to a strategic vision and an associated strategic plan, represent nothing more than advertising, and advertising -in my view- has no place in dentistry due to its self-serving focus.

Market development strategies can be broadly broken down into two areas:

1. Positioning – Starting with a Positioning Statement, which represents a precise articulation of WHAT it is you have to offer, TO WHOM it is ideally suited, WHY it is specifically relevant to them, and HOW it is uniquely different from other choices prospective patients have available to them.

Positioning Statements are clear, simple, fact-driven, and contain no fluff…no spin, and they serve as the key connection between a practice’s capabilities and the way it is perceived by the community. This means that positioning is key to everything you do once your Practice Philosophy has been clarified, and therefore it should lie at the center of every decision you make from website design to brochures, to any other internal or external marketing efforts.

2. Branding: Branding is associated with how your practice projects its Philosophy, and therefore “position”, on an emotional level. And this emotional appeal can be conveyed through words, tone of voice, colors, smells, design, imagery, and the feelings that these things -when put together in a strategic fashion- create.

For the truly relationship-centered practice, both positioning and branding initiatives MUST represent an authentic expression of who you and your team are. This is because both positioning and branding create expectations…emotional expectations which when violated, will immediately turn down a patient’s trust and turn up their cynicism – making your future communications much more challenging.

So, your clarified Philosophy helps to define your Positioning Strategy, and your Positioning Strategy helps define your Branding Strategy, and none of these things are useful unless they sincerely come from your heart and genuinely reflect who you are, what you believe in, and how you believe you can help others.

Paul A Henny, DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017


Are you Altuistic?

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There is a common cultural misconception about the meaning of altruism; not that there is a problem with it per se, but more with regard to where altruism comes from. Most definitions state that altruism represents “selfless” devotion or concern for the well being of others. But can anything really be totally “selfless”?

I would argue not.

Altruism is actually an outcome of boundary development, and boundary development is an outcome of values clarification. And values clarification can lead to a missional lifestyle. So when a missional lifestyle also happens to be focused on helping others – with or without any obvious personal gain – we are really talking about someone who demonstrates personal integrity; we are talking about someone who “walks the talk”. And that represents a lot more than selfless behavior – it represents a fusion of true self with mission – a philosophically based Purpose.

Conversely, in the absence of a well-developed boundary due to murky values or shifting socially-influenced priorities, the helping of others may be driven by an attempt to serve ourselves…possibly even a neurotic attempt to feel better about ourselves…a superficial kabuki theatre hidden behind our personal insecurity.

This is WHY Values clarification, and WHY spending time clarifying our mission…is so central in the creation of a truly patient-centered practice, where the sincere agenda is to help others grow and become more of what they are capable of becoming physically, emotionally, and even spiritually (how we feel about ourselves directly influences our spiritual life).

The end of the year is a traditional time to look backwards and forwards, and this should be done with our team as well. What were our behaviors patterns? Were they in alignment with our mission? Hence, did our Care Team and therefore practice, routinely demonstrate integrity?

And was our behavior, and will our behavior be truly altruistic?

Paul A Henny, DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017


What’s your Philosophy?

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Two realities are redefining the nature of today’s dental marketplace. First, the choices prospective patients face are increasing at an exponential rate – or they are totally disappearing, depending on where they live and their financial circumstances. And secondly, long-term truly helping relationships are being replaced with flashy, sales-oriented – and hence manipulative -interactions, where the central agenda of the business is the bottom line – always.

This shift has been largely driven by four forces:

1. Technology which now allows us to do more at a faster pace, and often with fewer people.

2. Cultural shifts where cynicism and personal experiences are tending to cause more and more people to view more and more aspects of their everyday lives as being transactional rather than relational.

3. “Insurance” reimbursement patterns and levels.

4.  And a trend toward reductionistic thinking, which fits neatly in with the above three trends, and advances the myth that if we can reduce everything down to its most basic component parts, isolate the problem, fix it, and reassemble everything, all will be well.

But there is a problem with this approach. It views heathcare through an industrialized lens – a lens which is particularly focused on costs and profits. And people are not machines. And people are not always rational. And people often require principle-centered leadership to become healthier.

(Notice that I said “leadership” and not “more sophisticated treatment.)

Reductionism is seductive because it is often immediately more efficient, and there are certainly times when it is the right approach. But it can come with a price, and the price is often effectiveness over the long-term on an invidual level Consequently, a reductionistic philosophy is not the orientation a healthcare professional should be taking on exclusively, as their patient’s needs -in a holistic sense, short and long term -should always be considered before the business’s financial needs come into play.

This is because heath itself is a holistic concept. It REQUIRES patient involvement. It REQUIRES patient participation. And it therefore REQUIRES healing, which is an inside-out process – facilitated perhaps – but still emerging FROM the patient.

Bob Barkley reminded us that we can not give heath to anyone. Sure, we can apply a broad range of elaborate curing methods TO them and ON them, but without the “WITH THEM” part, we can only improve their appearance or the data about them for a short period of time.

We must confront the simple truth that heath can not be achieved or attained in dentistry without a collaborative relationship between mutually caring people with shared values and goals.

Its just a fact.

These conditions point to why today’s most forward looking dentists and practices are moving beyond just seeking attention as their primary marketing strategy. They’re acutely aware that it’s not enough to simply have people know about them and their products and services. They know that they need people to choose them, support them, work with them, and recommend them for reasons far deeper than “faster”, “cheaper”, and “it looks like a nice place”.

Are you you promoting health and healing, or is your philosophy focused around making money through primarily promoting reductionalism?

The future will certainly tell.

Paul A Henny, DDS

Thought Experiments LLC, ©2017


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